Spring Cleaning your Jewelery Box Introduction
Despite the recent snowfall here in PDX I’ve had my eyes on the coming Spring. Spring brings to mind warmer weather, sunshine, and deep cleaning the house with the windows open. But when was the last time you cleaned out your jewelry box? I mean really took everything out, took stock of what was in there and got it organized? I bet you have pieces you don’t wear because you’ve forgotten they were even in there, buried with that one earring you lost the mate to, and the weird stuff you inherited from great aunt so and so that you don’t want to wear, but don’t know what to do with.
Last Spring the Marie Kondo craze swept the nation as they watched her Netflix show. Shelter in place orders and plenty of time at home gave people a chance to try her methods. But for all the amazing apartment re-dos and garage organization projects I saw on my social media feeds, I don’t think jewelry boxes were even considered.
And I totally get it. Jewelry is sentimental. Jewelry has meaning, and is intrinsically tied to memories. You can’t (gasp) THROW AWAY that one lost earring because it was your favorite pair, given to you by some long ago love. Your family would kill you if you didn’t keep great aunt so and so’s fake strands of pearls even if you hate pearls and will never wear them. (Kamala, good work bringing pearls back into style)
So how can you make this happen? Let me help you with this daunting task. I’m going to lay out a plan that helps you organize, store, and revamp that jewelry box so it’s full of wearable pieces that you love. From de-tangling chains to storing them so they don’t get tangled again, to protecting the finishes on your jewelry and how to revamp those heirloom pieces into something you’d love tot wear.
The first step is to gather ALL your jewelry together in one place. Yes, all of it. The decorative dish full of jewelry on the nightstand, the small travel pouch that’s probably still in the suitcase from the last time you traveled, check the medicine cabinet for that pair of earrings you changed at the last minute. Don’t forget about the bottom of that purse you haven’t looked in for months. And stay tuned cause over the next week we are going to spring clean your jewelry box!
The struggle is real! This is the mess on my own dressing table. So if you have something like this too…lets Spring Clean Together.